aspurus™ Shatavari – Full Spectrum Shatavari Root Extract


Queen of Herbs

Secret to Women's Wellness

Image: Reference Image Pharmacopoeia from google
Shatavari is a revered herb deeply ingrained in India’s traditional medical system. Its medicinal usage has been reported in the Indian and British Pharmacopoeias and indigenous medicine systems. Shatavari ranks among the top 10 herbs frequently employed by Ayurvedic practitioners in their daily medical regimens, a testament to its historical significance. With a long history of use dating back nearly 5,000 years, Shatavari is considered a well-established and traditionally respected herb.
Acharya Caraka, a notable figure in Ayurvedic medical knowledge, particularly in the field of medicine, recognized the historical significance of Shatavari’s roots in relation to various well-being aspects like strength, immunity and aging process. Shatavari is known for its traditional use, with various potential benefits attributed to it. These potential benefits include its role as a traditional aphrodisiac, support for lactating mothers, cognitive well-being, nutritional value, and potential support for eye health. Additionally, some traditional practices suggest its use in addressing certain health concerns associated with fertility and reproductive health
Image: Reference Image Pharmacopoeia from google
According to Acharya Susrutha, one more principal contributor or author of Ayurveda (majorly surgical aspects) denotes that,

“Soumyam shukram agneyam artavam”

सौम्यम् शुकरम् अग्नेयम् अर्तवाम्

Shukra (Sperm – Men) having cold at nature and Artavam (Ovum – Female) hot at nature .
In Ayurveda, it is firmly believed that Shatavari’s cool nature, coupled with its moderately sweet taste and its transformation into a sweet taste post-digestion, render it particularly effective in addressing various female health issues. It primarily acts to balance the Pitta dosha, followed by the Vata dosha. Pitta dosha, the bioenergy responsible for digestion and all metabolic, including hormonal, activities in the human body, is pivotal in maintaining overall health. Given its multifaceted rejuvenating and reparative potential at the cellular level, Shatavari is aptly recognized as the ‘Queen of Herbs,’ offering substantial utility in various health conditions.

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